

The history of the African Lion dates back to the Late Pliocene period, which was 5-1.8 million years ago.  Fossil evidence suggests that the earliest lion-like cat appeared in East Africa during this time (17).  Throughout history, lions have been documented all over the world including Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America.  Currently lions can only be found in Africa and India (2).  From genetic analysis, there seems to be 8 known species of lions in Africa and the Middle East, but there were originally 11 in the past (3).  Current ranges and distributions of lions have plummeted throughout the African region from habitat loss, poaching, disease and climate change.

The Change in Geographic Range of African Lions Over Time (10)
General Characteristics

  • Habitat- lions mostly live in plains or savanna habitat, where they are the second most abundant predator after the spotted hyena.  They have the capability of living in most habitats except tropical rainforests.  There is even a lion population in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia at an altitude of 4,240 m (7).  Male and female lions mark their territory with urine and by roaring (21).
  • Behavior- usually lions will form prides that comprise groups of 2-40 members. The males in the pride system are immigrants who have forcefully gained control of the group.  Usually males with form coalitions of brothers to take over prides, and will rule for about two and a half years. Females will be lifelong residents in their mother's territory, so don't have to keep changing prides (7).
    • Physical Description- male lions grow up to 10 feet in length, and usually weigh around 330- 550 pounds. Female lions are smaller growing up to 9 feet in length, and weigh 265-395 pounds.  The size of lions make them generally feed on large animals such as zebras and wildebeest.  Physically dominating other big cats, lions will steal prey from hyenas and leopards.  Females are the primary hunters in a pride of lions (21).
    • Reproduction- lions breed year-round and are usually polygynous, with males and females having more than one mate. The first male member of a pride to reach a female in heat has the mating priority.  Generally lions will not fight over potential mates.  Fierce competition to be leader of the pride often leads to infanticide of both males and females (7).
    • Lifespan- the average lifespan in the wild for lions is 14 years, with males usually not surviving past age 10, and females living between 15 and 16 years. Life span in captivity has been increased even to the age of 30 (7).

    Female and Male Lion in the Savanna Show Clear Physical Differences

    Fun Facts 

    • Lions will eat an average of 40 pounds of meat per sitting, and follow their meal by sleeping up to 24 hours (20)
    • A lion's roar has enough force to raise a cloud of dust and can be heard from up to 5 miles away (20)
    • At short distances, lions can reach speeds up to 50 mph, and can jump 36 feet (21)
    • A female lion will copulate an average of 3,000 times for each cub that survives for a year (21)

    A Lion's Great Leaping Ability as it Catches and Antelope

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